Deye-RW-M5.3-pro-battery|Deye wall-mounted battery

Deye RW series battery

RW series is Deye Wall-Mounted battery

RW-M6.16.1KWH with IP65
RW-M5.3 pro5.3KWH with IP54
RW-L2.52.56KWH with IP23

Deye RW series battery is for wall-mounted use which could saving your space significant, 3version of 6.1, 5.3 and 2.5KWH, but notice only 6.1KWH is IP65, others is IP54 and IP23 like the bar

It support of parallel connection, we could expend it to 30KWH by 5 units RW-M6.1 or 6units RW-M5.3 pro or so, beware of the stand capacity of your wall, battery is heavy

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